Tuesday, January 15, 2019

JMM Baltimore 2019

If anyone's around the Baltimore area and has near-number-related questions, I'm around for the math meetings this week, so hit me up! Workshop on Saturday if you or anyone you know will be there!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Expressions and limits

The video on expressions and limits is now online!  It begins by demonstrating the more refined statements near-numbers allow and connects back to limit notation, with some examples illustrating the shortfall of the limit-centric pedagogy (and how near-numbers fill in the gaps).  Key learning goals are:
  • to understand how near-numbers allow different (but consistent) results when substituted into  algebraically "equal" expressions,
  • to get an introduction to techniques for avoiding ☆-forms,
  • and to see how near-numbers relate to limit notation used in the classical calculus pedagogy.